Find and book with the best car detailers near you

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How it works

Select your services

Find your favorite car detailer and schedule an appointment with them right from their profile page.

Pick the best detailer

Your car detailer will arrive at your location and complete the service you requested.

Schedule and pay

Rate your detailer's profile to let them know how happy you are with their work.

Sit back and relax

Rate your detailer's profile to let them know how happy you are with their work.

Popular services

Hand Wash
Interior Detail
Exterior Wax

People love us.

"Wash Rover is a platform I use time and time again.. If you need an auto detailer, you go to Wash Rover, period."

- Natalie B

"I don’t usually leave reviews, however, Wash Rover really did make it much easier to find my detailer and book with him, it took 4 minutes tops. I still use him to this day, he’s great."

- Tyler H

"Wash Rover basically took the entire process of finding, booking, and paying for your car detailer, and they literally just simplified each step. So simple, yet so useful."

- Maxine L